6 good practices for a motorcycle rider / 6 motorcycle riding tips

Motorcycling is an art. Every form of art requires good practice to improve and become better at it day by day.

With the safety of the rider being the ulterior motive, here are the 6 best motorcycle riding tips for beginners and experts alike. Keep these motorcycle riding tips in mind for your short and long journeys alike.

1. Check the basic functions of your motorcycle every day

Turn on all the indicators and lights, sound the horn, check the chain slack, inspect the tyres, inspect the oil levels, start the engine, and look for any abnormal noises. An issue caught at the moment of inspection can avert a major disaster while you are on the journey.

2. Start your day’s journey early in the morning

I make it a point to start my ride at the break of dawn and end by sunset. This practice gives good legroom for any delay that can occur in between due to your ill health or your bike’s ill health. Also, it avoids all the dangers of riding in the dark.

3. Take frequent breaks, stretch and hydrate

The long monotonous highway riding tires your body faster than you know. Taking a 5 – 10 minute break for every 1 – 2 hour ride can relax all the tense muscles and recharge you to continue your ride. Do some basic stretches and hydrate yourself well. Know more about diet and exercise you can follow while travelling here.

4. Have frequent meals and in small quantities

Heavy meals can make you feel sleepy. Try to eat in small quantities whenever you take a break and keep the heavy meals at the end of a day’s journey.

Another practice to avoid sleepiness during the day is to make sure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep prior to your journey. Read more on that here.

5. Plan every move of your trip ahead of time

Although as exciting as it sounds to make impulse decisions on the go, practically this can wear you down faster and expose you to risky situations.

Every move might not go according to plan either but the ones that do, open up even more possibilities of unplanned excitement with much less risk involved.

6. Know the basic repairs of your motorcycle

Small punctures can leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere and a lack of mechanics around can leave you with a minor cable issue making your journey to a dead halt.

Here are the basic repairs you should know and what spares to carry on your next trip.

Avoid unnecessary complications and enjoy your trip to the fullest with these tips for motorcycle riders. As always good practices will keep you going long and strong throughout your journey.

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